Author Archives: vr2ung

20131020-AS006 OL72CG VR2JAM

New QTH for VR2HKS Hong Kong Island Jota stations, With the helps of Scout & enthusiast hams, our target completed, Specially thanks hospitably Scout unit 100 ., share VR2JAM Lucky confirm Japan Station JE7YSS/P6., Thanks 73 VR2JAM op VR2UNG turning … Continue reading

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20131020-AS006 OL72CG VR2HKS Jota station

share 20131020-AS006 OL72CG VR2HKS Jota station, with all the Scout & enthusiast ham friends , this year VR2HKS & VR2JAM mission completed 73 VR2HKS op V2RUNG

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20131019-VR2HKS be perpare for JOTA.jpg

CQCQCQ Jamboree 73 VR2HKS

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20130921-22通訊(技能及教導)專章訓練班通訊營Communication (skills and teach) Communication badges Training Camp

原定於9月21-22日,在元朗蔡志明聯光童軍中心,為期2日1夜的通訊(技能及教導)專章訓練班通訊營,在天兔的協助下,今天晚上在童軍總會提早順利完成了。 Scheduled for September 21-22, at Luen Kwong Yuen Choi Chee Ming Scout Centre, a period of 2 days 1 night communication (skills and teach) Special Badges Communication Training Camp, in the days rabbit (Severe Typhoon Usagi) with the assistance of the Scout … Continue reading

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2013097-8 VR2HKS HF Training Course (CQAA)

2013097-8 VR2HKS HF Training Course (CQAA) (參與短波業餘無線電比賽-學員培訓) QTH-OL72AJ Location Tai Tong (位置大棠) VR2HKS op VR2ZLI, VR2XNG, VR2ZCL ,VR2UNG & Scout Communicator Badge Course Students. QSL Information Direct VR2HKS Hong Kong HKIR Information Technology Club, Hong Kong Island Region (HKIR) Room 1111, … Continue reading

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20110719-VR2HKS參加幼童軍度假營. 簡介 分享2年前2011因為幼童軍百年年紀念, VR2HKS 特別申請加幼童軍 Call sign VR2CUB (4天) 並設立童軍無線電攤位推廣童軍無線電樂趣, 日期-20110717 時間-VR2CUB on air 0900-1700 地點-烏溪沙青年新村. 點滴- 2011 星期日Field day… 天氣晴朗, 我們設立了3個電台 & 獵狐… (HF, Echo-Link-VHF & VHF Repeater) 位置烏溪沙青年新村有利天線架設… 在空曠的地方玩獵狐… 很多幼童軍都是第一次玩初無線電, 期間希望分享無線電技能和樂趣, 所有童軍有禮品VR2CUB 特別QSL卡. 感謝無線電朋友 & 275 旅團幫忙分享&協助QSO &獵狐. … Continue reading

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20130728-VR2HKS 參加 西貢童軍繽紛嘉年華會

  20130728-VR2HKS 參加西貢童軍繽紛嘉年華會, 簡介 時間過得非常快,轉眼1年,我們去年將軍澳室內購物商場, 推廣童軍無線電樂趣, 今年在這學校-仁濟醫院王華湘中學,更好的位置,有利天線架設. 總結- A-我們最遠通聯是印尼-(HF DX) op VR2ZAM B-我們通聯最遠和最近的-台灣和廣東清遠-(Echo-Link-VHF) op VR2UNG C-西貢童軍現場考章-(業餘無線電技能章) op VR2XNG 點滴- 分享昨天點滴… 昨天天氣晴朗,小風… 我們設立了兩個電台(HF & Echo-Link-VHF), 也有一些童軍前來考無線電章. 很多童軍都是初次接觸無線電, 一些童軍嘗試一次通聯方法&取卡, 覺得好玩一些童軍嘗試玩很多次, 期間分享無線電技能和樂趣, 所有童軍有禮品VR2HKS QSL卡. 感謝無線電朋友幫忙,分享&協助QSO, &舊同事來幫忙拍照(西貢童軍繽紛嘉年華會) 下一次 on air QSO 通聯… CQCQCQ This is … Continue reading

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GB2GP The amateur radio station for the Gilwell Park Scout Activity Centre

Welcome to the website of the Gilwell Park Amateur Radio Station This website will be the hub of all the information during the Jamboree on the Air weekend, from Gilwell Park Scout Activity Centre. For the rest of the year … Continue reading

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2013-01-26 深資童軍業餘無線電訓練班

到達大棠的童軍營地和簡報準備後HF天線 arrive tai tong boy scout camp and prepare HF antenna after briefing 準備HF天線/prepare HF antenna

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